Cooperation with the largest in the market – experience and expertise used in the comprehensive service of
  • individual and effective conduct of advertising campaigns
  • researching the competition on the market
  • issuing auctions and preparing translations
Ecomart – how long have we been on the market and what experience do we have?
Competition in the e-commerce market is constantly growing. That’s why it makes sense to offer your products on various platforms. Multichannel sales are definitely at the forefront when it comes to the possibility of reaching potential customers. It is therefore worth taking advantage of it. Provided you do it skillfully.

E-commerce is also undoubtedly one of the best growing industries today. The opportunities this industry offers are enormous. It is worth taking full advantage of them. To do so, however, it is good to have an understanding of how it should look like. Ecomart is a company that has been dealing with the issue of Marketplace, for more than 12 years. We have a wealth of experience and knowledge covering product sales and sales team management.

With a team of 10 qualified professionals, we can also recommend other services. Among them are running Social Media, website development and online store maintenance. And one of our achievements is the establishment of cooperation with – a store that is at the forefront of online sales in the German market. We have been their partner since May 2022.

Sales Support

We are engaged in auction listing and sales activation. We individually study the competitive market, consider promotion in the opportunity zone and brands, provide ADS campaign management. We take care of cost and bill optimization. Within the framework of cooperation, we make it possible to enter the foreign market.

Comprehensive Audits

We comprehensively perform sales audits on auction sites such as Allegro, eBay, Amazon and other e-commerce sites: we examine compliance with terms and conditions, navigate sales and monitor costs. These types of activities contribute to improving what your business currently has.

Obsługa sprzedaży

Zajmujemy się wystawianiem aukcji i uaktywnianiem sprzedaży. Indywidualnie badamy rynek konkurencyjny, rozpatrujemy promocję w strefie okazji i marek, świadczymy prowadzenie kampanii ADS. Dbamy o optymalizację kosztów i rachunków. W ramach współpracy umożliwiamy wejście na rynek zagraniczny.

Kompleksowe Audyty

Kompleksowo realizujemy audyty sprzedażowe na portalach aukcyjnych: badamy zgodność z regulaminem, nawigujemy sprzedaż i monitorujemy koszty. Tego typu działania przyczyniają się na udoskonalanie tego czym obecnie Twoja firma dysponuje.

Strategy counts

For companies needing to take a step further and expand their reach into additional sales markets, we are ready to carry out a customized strategy. With us you will select the right sales tools, adjust your goals and master a specific path in sales.

Advertising the key

We know from experience that promotion on this site on your own gives only half the results. The golden rule is that if you want to succeed in business, take care of ... business, and outsource the other activities to people who know how to do them.

Liczy się strategia

Dla firm potrzebujących zrobić krok dalej i poszerzać swoje zasięgi o dodatkowe rynki sprzedaży jesteśmy gotowi przeprowadzić strategię indywidualnie dostosowane do potrzeb klienta. Z nami dobierzesz odpowiednie narzędzia sprzedażowe, dostosujesz cele i opanujesz konkretną drogę w sprzedaży.

Reklama kluczem

Z doświadczenia wiemy, że promocja w tym serwisie na własną rękę daje tylko połowiczne efekty. Złota reguła mówi, że jeśli chcesz osiągnąć sukces w biznesie, zajmuj się… biznesem, a pozostałe działania zleć ludziom, którzy się na nich znają.
We will become your helper in entering the German market! is undoubtedly one of the largest and fastest growing stores in Germany. The country’s territory is home to more than 83 million people and the number of Internet users is growing every year. Currently, almost 94% of the population uses it. And importantly, more than 83% make online purchases at least once a year. Estimates for the coming years, of course, show that these values will grow. Therefore, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the virtual world, you can enter the German market and advertise there using the services of partner

This platform, as one of the largest in Germany, stands out above all for its enormous potential to reach customers. 5,000 categories with more than 25 million products from more than 7,000 vendors and tens of thousands of visitors are certainly an incentive to offer your products. Wanting to advertise on the platform, it is worth knowing the rules of the country and the industry. Therefore, it is advisable to use the help of specialists.

The benefits to you of using the platform
As an entrepreneur, you look for many different sales channels. This allows you to reach different types of customers. gives you another opportunity to sell many products, in different categories. You can choose from garden, home, cosmetics, electronics, home appliances, clothing and footwear, groceries, among others. Entering the German market can be much easier when you use our help. What can we offer you?
Listing – we will make sure that the consumer’s first impression is positive
Putting up online auctions may seem trivial, but anyone who has had experience with it is well aware that this is not the case at all. Product descriptions should be clear and pleasant to digest. They should not be too long, at the same time they should contain the most important information. The description should be accompanied by photos showing the product. It is also worth remembering to complete the technical parameters.

Thus, the proper listing of an auction involves quite a lot of work and, consequently, a lot of time. This means that the time that you could spend looking for new goods, improving your site will be spent on putting up auctions. If you want to avoid this, we are happy to do it for you. We also take care of translations, so you don’t have to worry about adapting descriptions to the platform. We will do everything for you.

Advertising campaigns – we will make sure they are effective
Running an online business is a complex job. It doesn’t just involve time-consuming listing of products or making sure inventory is properly optimized. It’s also a matter of effective online advertising and reaching potential customers through it. This is a complex undertaking that requires not only the right knowledge, but also knowledge of analytical tools. If you don’t want to deal with this or can’t, we encourage you to use our services. This will give you the assurance that your advertising campaigns are being run by professionals. At the same time, access to any statistics will show how we are performing.
Ecomart – achieve success with us
As long-time players in the e-commerce market, we are able to offer comprehensive services at the highest level. By using them, you can help yourself grow your business while having time to relax, or do other additional business-related activities. How you want to use the gained time will be your choice. We will do our best to make sure you gain it. What can you count on when you use our help?

  • experience in Marketplace advertising allows us to prepare campaigns that will be effective and efficient;
  • we constantly observe the market and changing trends. Therefore, we are always able to attract the attention of potential customers;
  • we make sure that every detail is planned down to the smallest detail. So we rely on planning that is supported by both data and practical knowledge;
  • we always stay abreast of statistics that allow us to react quickly and take appropriate action;
  • we always strive to achieve our goals.
Ecomart can offer:
  • Introduction of products to website including translations;
  • Comprehensive support during the implementation of the offer;
  • conducting advertising campaigns;
  • dealing with marketing activities.
Trust an official partner of
Comart customers appreciate our advantages

The long-term success of a company cannot be based only on good products. Reliability, tradition, innovation and a satisfied customer also count.

Comart’s customers appreciate our advantages
We are distinguished by certain values
We individually study the competitive market
Don’t wait,
Write to us!

Whether you are looking for a new partner or need help with sales management we want to hear from you! You can find our contact information here.

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