Let us help you succeed in one of the most popular e-commerce marketplaces – Cdiscount.com
  • Effective running of advertising campaigns, such as Google Ads;
  • market research for better efficiency of the actions taken;
  • taking care of the proper appearance of auctions and their display;
  • translation of descriptions.

    We can help you enter the French market – Cdiscount.com


    Multi-channel sales are becoming more and more popular. It provides almost unlimited opportunities for the seller to reach potential customers. Especially since online sales need not be limited to our home market. Increasingly, sellers are going out into the European market and offering their products on the world’s largest platforms. One of them is undoubtedly Cdiscount.com. Would you, too, like to start reaching out to customers outside our country ensuring a large potential audience? If so, you are perfectly placed. Ecomart is a company that will be happy to help you.

    One of the best growing industries today is undoubtedly online sales. Sellers through not only online stores, but also various types of platforms offer their products to potential customers. Cdiscount.com is one of the sites we help to introduce your listings to. Contrary to the belief of many people, selling online is a complex and time-consuming activity – you are well aware of this as a seller. That’s why our company was founded. We help you with sales management and marketing and advertising.

Find out why you should cooperate with us – a few words of introduction
We are a company that has been dealing with Marketplace issues for more than 12 years. Thanks to this, we can boast a wealth of experience and come out of more than one crisis situation with a defensive hand. The knowledge that our 10-person team possesses allows us to guarantee the customer the highest quality of service. We also make sure that it is a comprehensive offer. That’s why we not only deal with listing, but also with translations and marketing and advertising. As a company, we can also offer to put up websites, operate online stores and run Social Media. As you can see, our portfolio is extremely rich.



Let us help you with your Cdiscount.com account – trust the professionals




The e-commerce market boasts quite a number of well-known platforms that encourage sellers to advertise their products on them. Undoubtedly, one of them is Cdiscount.com – the leading French sales platform. This is perfectly illustrated by statistics, from which one can read that more than 10 million customers are registered on it. The platform also encourages with an extremely rich assortment. The customer will find more than 40 million products on it. Would you like to be one of the sellers that offers its items to such a large audience? It will be easier with us. What specifically can we help you with?


  1. Implementation of an account on Cdiscount.com and its comprehensive service
  2. Introduction of products to the store and translation of descriptions
  3. Technical support
  4. Running advertising campaigns
  5. Marketing
  6. Product storage service

Sales Support

We are engaged in auction listing and sales activation. We individually study the competitive market, consider promotion in the opportunity zone and brands, provide ADS campaign management. We take care of cost and bill optimization. Within the framework of cooperation, we make it possible to enter the foreign market.

Comprehensive Audits

We comprehensively perform sales audits on auction sites such as Allegro, eBay, Amazon and other e-commerce sites: we examine compliance with terms and conditions, navigate sales and monitor costs. These types of activities contribute to improving what your business currently has.

Obsługa sprzedaży

Zajmujemy się wystawianiem aukcji i uaktywnianiem sprzedaży. Indywidualnie badamy rynek konkurencyjny, rozpatrujemy promocję w strefie okazji i marek, świadczymy prowadzenie kampanii ADS. Dbamy o optymalizację kosztów i rachunków. W ramach współpracy umożliwiamy wejście na rynek zagraniczny.

Kompleksowe Audyty

Kompleksowo realizujemy audyty sprzedażowe na portalach aukcyjnych: badamy zgodność z regulaminem, nawigujemy sprzedaż i monitorujemy koszty. Tego typu działania przyczyniają się na udoskonalanie tego czym obecnie Twoja firma dysponuje.

Strategy counts

For companies needing to take a step further and expand their reach into additional sales markets, we are ready to carry out a customized strategy. With us you will select the right sales tools, adjust your goals and master a specific path in sales.

Advertising the key

We know from experience that promotion on this site on your own gives only half the results. The golden rule is that if you want to succeed in business, take care of ... business, and outsource the other activities to people who know how to do them.

Liczy się strategia

Dla firm potrzebujących zrobić krok dalej i poszerzać swoje zasięgi o dodatkowe rynki sprzedaży jesteśmy gotowi przeprowadzić strategię indywidualnie dostosowane do potrzeb klienta. Z nami dobierzesz odpowiednie narzędzia sprzedażowe, dostosujesz cele i opanujesz konkretną drogę w sprzedaży.

Reklama kluczem

Z doświadczenia wiemy, że promocja w tym serwisie na własną rękę daje tylko połowiczne efekty. Złota reguła mówi, że jeśli chcesz osiągnąć sukces w biznesie, zajmuj się… biznesem, a pozostałe działania zleć ludziom, którzy się na nich znają.
Reach more potential customers – benefits of showcasing products on Cdiscount.com
Every seller wants to reach as many potential customers as possible. Definitely, the Internet is a great way to do it. Cdiscount.com platform is an interesting way to introduce your goods to the French market. At the same time, you have to keep in mind that it involves additional tasks. If you want to have more sales, you need to spend time and put a lot of work into developing the business. The more it grows, the more problems may arise with fine-tuning all the platforms you use. That’s why we offer help with your Cdiscount.com account. Exactly what kind of help can you expect from us?




We will make sure that your products are visible on the Cdiscount.com platform



The process of listing products itself is simple and intuitive on most platforms. The same is true on Cdiscount.com. However, it’s not just a matter of a few clicks. In fact, there are many, many more tasks to deal with. These include the clarity of descriptions and the simultaneous inclusion of all the necessary information. Given that this is a platform that is available and popular in the French market, it is also necessary to prepare descriptions in the appropriate language. The Ecomart team can help with everything.

Although listing products is a relatively simple job, it requires a lot of focus and time. By entrusting us with listing products on Cdiscount.com you will be able to take care of other things. They will certainly also contribute to the development of your business, and you can entrust the development of sales on the French platform to us.

We will prepare advertising campaigns and help you reach more potential customers
In addition to displaying products, keeping an eye on inventory and prices, and many, many other things related to making multi-channel sales, it is also necessary to take care of proper advertising and marketing. It is through these types of activities that you will have the opportunity to reach a larger number of potential customers. With marketing and advertising activities, our experience and knowledge comes in handy. So we invite you to take advantage of our services. We provide access to all statistics proving how we are doing in advertising your products on the Cdiscount.com platform.




With Ecomart it will be easier – use our services and optimize your work.




We have been operating in the e-commerce market for many years. We also have a staff that, in addition to experience, boasts knowledge and the right approach to their duties. The comprehensive services we provide are of the highest level. Do you want to ensure that you can develop your sales outside our country? Do you dream of entering the French market? If so, we invite you to take advantage of our services. We guarantee not only experience and professionalism, but also market research and adaptation of advertising campaigns to the needs of potential customers. We strive to achieve our goals. And we always make sure to stay up to date with the latest statistics.

Comart customers appreciate our advantages

The long-term success of a company cannot be based only on good products. Reliability, tradition, innovation and a satisfied customer also count.

Comart’s customers appreciate our advantages
We are distinguished by certain values
We individually study the competitive market
Don’t wait,
Write to us!

Whether you are looking for a new partner or need help with sales management we want to hear from you! You can find our contact information here.

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